Monday, May 3, 2010

Concluding Statement

This class and the semester are coming to an end and I can honestly say that I’m not at the same place I was when I started. I have learned the basics of theater and developed a more broad understanding for art in general. I have slowly developed knowledge and skills that were interesting and I’m confident will prove useful in everyday life outside of theater. Along with my knowledge and understanding I have developed a greater appreciation for an art that I knew nothing about.

After taking this course and traveling through “the world of theater” as you put it, I have most certainly changed my view. I have never been interested in theater before and I think part of that is because I never really gave it a chance. I continually learned more about it throughout the course of the class and through discussion posts and research, but I don’t think I had a full grasp on it until I went to go see a live show. Reading about something is one thing, but experiencing it is another. I learned to respect theater much more once I experienced the full effects of it. I was able to realize after seeing a show the extent to which theater is more than just a form of entertainment, it is an art form. It is an experience that you cannot get from simply reading play.

The most memorable concept of the class was the relationships that I learned between theater and my own life. If you were to ask me before I signed up for this coarse how theater related to my life I would have told you that it didn’t relate in any way. Now I realize how wrong I would have been. Through reading and answering discussion topics I have learned of all kinds of ways in which theater relates and even effects my life on a day-to-day basis. I play different roles in my life, as does everyone and this class has helped me realize that life is one big stage, and we are all just playing our parts. From the clothes we wear everyday, to the way we carry ourselves, we are projecting an image of the character we want to play on to the world. Being part of this class has helped me realize how important theater, and art in general is. We can learn so much from experiencing and practicing it know matter what our future goals are.

My views about theater and art have most certainly changed through the course of this class but it has also taught me about more than just theater. When I first logged into this class on webct I noticed that everything was due May 7th. I also read about how you suggested we use our time wisely and keep up with the course but as the chronic procrastinator that I am, I didn’t heed your warning and I waited way too long to start my work. I thought that I could get it all done in no time at all so I wasn’t all that worried about it. When I finally did get started I realized how time consuming it was going to be, and noticed the amount of effort that I was inevitably going to have to put into it. I found myself spending hours on end trying to catch up with the work that I could have so easily spent minimal time on per week and saved myself all the stress, but hey, I guess that’s part of the learning process. From now on, because of this course I will actively try to procrastinate less and utilize my time more wisely. This also showed me the amount that I can accomplish if I put my mind to it, which is another great lesson that this class has taught me.

Overall this class has been an overwhelming surprise to me on many different levels. Going into it I didn’t expect to learn much and especially didn’t expect to change my views on art and even life. Not knowing much about theater when I started, I had a lot of room to grow and learn and I believe that I have definitely done that. The discussion boards helped me learn about theater in an environment where I felt that I was learning right along side of other people just like me, much like a regular class that isn’t online. I think that this was one of the biggest helps in my learning process. I definitely don’t regret taking this class and I would recommend it to anyone who asked. I have a newfound respect for theater and art, and the knowledge and know how to go with it. I can now walk confidently in the world of theater knowing that I have experienced it and I will be a better person because of it.